About Us

Karm is a popular organization in our city of Nagpur which is always ready for social work.

What is special about this organization is that this organization has nothing to do with any political matter, political work and all the members of this organization have come together only for the purpose of reducing the social debt from their own shoulders.

To be born on the back of the world, to grow up, to get education, to engage in work and to start a life of my own, to face death one day without going beyond me and my world, to break away from this frame and do something constructive with these lofty work, A team working together for this is Karm!

The team of 'Karm' has taken a vow to serve the poor, marginalized Dalits, disabled, elderly, economically weaker sections of the society.

The youth today is moving towards the left. As they do not get proper direction, proper guidance, it is becoming difficult to use the youth power for constructive work, for the work of the country. By keeping these things in front of Drishti, Karma is making a small effort to create patriotism among the youth.

Karm is always ready to expel such things from the society by creating public awareness in the society against the bad manners, customs, bad customs and actions from which the society and the country can be harmed.

Help Karm to create a strong India by doing this right and important work, give your support.